
Why You Don't Hear Much From Jason Mraz Anymore

According to certain boomers, avocados are pretty much everything that's wrong with today's youth. Still, the current appetite for the fruit (yes, it is a fruit, not a vegetable) certainly hasn't harmed Jason Mraz, as the singer-songwriter owns a five-and-a-half acre farm dedicated to the stuff.

In 2004, the "I Won't Give Up" hitmaker purchased a ranch in Bonsall, California, simply as a "place to be isolated when you have a crazy life," as he later told Eating Well. But the multiple Grammy Award winner soon developed an interest in living off the land, which also boasts pomegranates, mangoes, guavas, and Meyer lemons, and, subsequently, became something of an accidental farmer, even growing his own coffee arabica beans.

Mraz told The Coast News Group that his farming duties have also informed how he approaches his day-job: "I would come home from tour and I would put my hands in the earth and watch something grow. It kind of introduced me to the patience of a long project ... you have to surrender to earth pace." He added, "It helped me do that in my creative art as well" by showing him that he can simply "nurture those ideas."


Sebrina Pilcher

Update: 2024-05-05