
The Meaning Behind The Song: Everybodys Fancy by Fred Rogers

I remember the first time I heard the song “Everybody’s Fancy” by Fred Rogers. It was a sunny afternoon, and my wife and I were taking a leisurely drive through the countryside. The gentle melody and heartfelt lyrics of this song instantly captured our hearts and sparked a conversation about the true meaning behind it.

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The Lyrics

The lyrics of “Everybody’s Fancy” are simple yet profound. The song celebrates the uniqueness and beauty of every individual, emphasizing that both our outer appearance and inner qualities are worthy of appreciation. Through this enchanting melody, Fred Rogers reminds us that we should embrace our individuality and respect the diversity present in others.

Some are fancy on the outside
Some are fancy on the inside
Everybody’s fancy
Everybody’s fine
Your body’s fancy and so is mine

Boys are boys from the beginning
Girls are girls right from the start
Everybody’s fancy
Everybody’s fine
Your body’s fancy and so is mine
Girls grow up to be the mommies
Boys grow up to be the daddies
Everybody’s fancy
Everybody’s fine
Your body’s fancy and so is mine

I think you’re a special person
And I like your ins and outsides
Everybody’s fancy
Everybody’s fine
Your body’s fancy and so is mine

These lyrics resonate with people of all ages, teaching us to appreciate ourselves and others for who we are, both internally and externally. It sends a beautiful message about self-acceptance and inclusivity.

The Message

Fred Rogers, as a beloved children’s television host and songwriter, often incorporated meaningful messages into his music. “Everybody’s Fancy” is no exception. In this song, he encourages children and adults alike to embrace their individuality and recognize the inherent value in every person.

The song acknowledges the natural differences between boys and girls, emphasizing that regardless of these distinctions, everybody is special and has something unique to contribute to the world. It subtly promotes gender equality by highlighting the important roles that both genders play in society.

Furthermore, “Everybody’s Fancy” promotes body positivity and self-acceptance. By asserting that “Your body’s fancy and so is mine,” the song combats societal pressures that dictate a narrow definition of beauty. It encourages listeners to celebrate their bodies and reject unrealistic standards imposed by media and culture.

The Legacy

Released in 1967 as part of the album “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”, “Everybody’s Fancy” is just one of the many timeless songs written by Fred Rogers. His music continues to touch the lives of generations, spreading messages of kindness, acceptance, and self-worth.

Today, “Everybody’s Fancy” remains a cherished song, its meaning as relevant as ever. It reminds us to appreciate the uniqueness of others and to celebrate ourselves for who we truly are. Its universal message transcends age, gender, and background, resonating with anyone who listens to it.

I have since shared this song with my family, friends, and even sang it with my children. It has sparked meaningful conversations about self-acceptance, respect for others, and the importance of embracing diversity.

In a world that often emphasizes conformity, “Everybody’s Fancy” is a gentle reminder that our differences should be celebrated, and that what truly matters is the beauty that lies within each individual.


Written By Fred Rogers

Release Date January 1, 1967

Everybody’s Fancy Covers Everybody’s Fancy by Holly Yarbrough




Noelle Montes

Update: 2024-05-06